Ella Workman and Janette Harris

Created by Robert 6 years ago

My mother Ella Workman (usually known as Dinah) was a great friend of Janette in Birmingham in the 1930's. Ella and Janette did many activities together, along with my aunt Marjorie and her husband Don. In particular they all did a tour visiting Germany in about 1936. My mother also remembered going to Janette's 21st birthday party in 1938.

After Janette settled in London with Rufus, they kept in touch mainly by letter and phone. In about 2000, I took Ella to Bishop's View Court, where she and Janette looked at old photos and talked about old times together. My mother died in 2003, and Janette kindly sent a floral tribute. I saw Janette occasionally after that, notably at a U3A lecture on Ethical Tourism, and on a visit to a Garden Suburb Theatre Production.